I’ve been playing Wizard101 but a bit less the past couple of weeks. Part of the reason is that I know I’m rapidly approaching the end of the existing content. And while I would love to enter Dragonspyre with the likes of Tipa, John and Star, I don’t want to race forward and burn myself out like I did leveling out of fear in Warhammer Online. I do think that trying to race forward to avoid failing behind the leveling curve and being in the dead zone of unpopulated content, actually had the reverse affect of burning me out on the game when I couldn't keep pace, was bored by the slugging it trying to keep pace and I just gave up. I'm not very far behind the others in W101, so I'd just as soon not screw up my experience in this game like I might have done with WAR.
It’s nice to be in the sunshine again but so far, Marleybone, perpetual nighttime and all, is still winning as my favorite zone. Mooshu is very cute in its fantasy visualization of an Asian setting but it’s been done before. Marleybone on the other hand, with it’s clearly Steampunk setting, most definitely has not. And as luck would have it, I’d recently become more interested in reading Steampunk and have been making my way through a very good anthology. In pops Marleybone and I’m pleasantly surprised. This is on top of my love of all things Victorian and Regency era too. All of this combined, it was inevitable that I would love well designed gaming zone built around this theme. Marleybone was better than well done, so there ya go. I love it and now Mooshu sort of pales in comparison through no fault of its own.
I’ve seen some really awesome pets trailing behind Mooshu level players. The ones I’ve seen are for sale in the Pet Shoppe but I don’t buy my pets. There’s no fun in that! I’ll buy my armor but I do not buy my pets. I enjoy farming bosses for the unique ones. I need to do some research on who drops the cools ones in this zone and farm them when I run into them. I should also download something to do a video recording. The ninja-like pig mobs crack me up. Whoever animated them with their bellies jiggling out from under their shirts was comedic genius. You have to set it to understand. They also have these little exaggerated dance moves before the cast spells that are equally cute. Many times playing W101 is like watching an interactive cartoon.
Anywho, nothing dramatic going on with me in W101. I’m not enjoying it any less but knowing that the end of the existing content is near is making pace myself a little more than I had been.