Not like posts have been fast and furious lately but they're going to slow down for a couple of weeks. I received an offer from a publisher to narrate another audiobook which I excitedly accepted. I've already done which went well. This whole excursion into voice over is a result of the positive feedback on Casual Citizen. So thanks for that!
The first audiobook was contracted by an author who was self-publishing. Getting a foot in the door of a publisher is a whole other level of exciting - and stressful to some extent. Smile My house isn't setup properly to do this on a regular basis. Squeezing in recording when the house is empty is a juggling act. By the end of the year however, that should have resolved itself.
Recording this next book is on a very tight timeline. All my free time will be occupied with recording and editing for the next three weeks. I won't have time to produce Casual Citizen or submit articles for [Redacted]. I do have the next 3 episodes lined up so that once I'm done I can hit the ground running again.
I'm also working on a website that is dedicated exclusively to the content I produce for Star Citizen. In addition to one stop viewing for my videos, audio, ship reviews and player profession overviews, it will have my Starmap Matrix Google Doc as a searchable web page. That in and of itself is turning out to be a beast of an effort.
We're programmatically accessing the information to provide near real time updates from the source. And digging deeper into the information embedded in the ARK Star Map's repository. It's really fabulous that CIG has developed the features on in a way that allows the community to repurpose and mod appropriate aspects. I'm really excited about this project. It will be very useful for several of the player careers and anyone who's followed me for a while knows that crafting/careers are my thing in MMOs.
For those in the states have a safe and relaxing Fourth of July Holiday!