My word, I didn't know Gandalf played BDO??
As much as I'm smitten with Star Citizen, there isn't enough content for me to play on a regular basis. I'm also cautious about burning out by starting the journey so far in advance of a completed game. Thus far, I enjoy playing the information game. Cloud Imperium Games puts out a metric ton of information on a regular basis. There's always more to know and learn. That said, I do feel the hole of having a MMO in my gaming life. I considered but rejected returning to former haunts - no motivation or interest. I need new maps, classes, skills... A whole new world... sung in my best imitation of Jasmine.
The past few weeks, I've been watching former ArcheAge streamers play Black Desert Online on Twitch. I've known about the game for quite some time but my heartbreak over the cash shop implementation of AA has left me very wary of Asian imports with them. Many of the features I enjoyed in AA are somewhat present in BDO. Lots more content available than you actually need to level, player housing, trade professions, commerce that involves delivering goods to NPCs, lots of classes to choose from, a gorgeous world, etc. BUT it also has things I'm not fond of such as a hellish Asian grind, energy consumption mechanic tied to trade activities and ... a cash shop.
Knowing that SC is my main focus I've decided to CASUALLY play BDO and enjoy whatever it is I like about the game and ignore the rest. No serious end-game plans or goals to have the best of this, that or some other thing. I just miss frolicking around a virtual world with scenic locations, oceanic travel and messing with crafting.
My first opportunity to play will be in the next closed beta for NA/EU, which should be some time this month, given that the game is supposed to release this quarter. I've already decided on the Wizard/Witch which is a caster that can also heal. Hopefully the female version, the witch, will actually be available. I'm not a huge fan of playing male characters. If not, I'll have to deal with playing as Gandalf. The game has no shame about the inspiration for this class. The default face for the class looks EXACTLY LIKE the character version we know from the movies. I mean, exactly!
I have no plans to participate in the end-game which is PVP and GVG focused. That removes the need to have good gear, min/max abilities, optimize spell rotations and master combat mechanics. The PVP is also Free-for-All at max level, which is where I'll depart. Assuming I even I make it that far. *smile*
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