You can barely be bothered with chat because of the rage over the Cash Shop items. Seriously, people who should be enjoying the early days of OB are at each others throats over this lunacy. Okay, you've said it's not a typo, you really meant to price it that way. Wow, is about all I can muster. I was READY AND WAITING to spend money in the cash shop. I support games I'm playing but I have no intention of being gouged just 'cuz. MMO successes are far and few these days. You'd better watch yourself. Bad buzz spreads like wild fire.
I am officially boycotting the Allods Cash Shop, along with other bloggers such as Keen and Brannagar, until someone over at gPotato gains a sense of reason. I am so thankful I hadn't bought any of the game's funny-money in advance. Whew.
Like I said about canceling STO quickly. No more mixed signals. Buying or subscribing - providing any sort of revenue stream to a game or publisher that is not meeting your expectations as a customer, SENDS THE WRONG SIGNAL. Your dollars or lack there of, is your strongest voice.
I'm not going to stop laying Allods, it's free. When I get tired of walking back to NPCs (no mounts and long distances between things) to vendor items because we only get 18 spaces in a bag and the quest required items take up 1/3 of that space, then I'll go find something else to play. Unlike a game such as WOW, in Allods you must purchase rubies to get your talent points. That means you need in game cash. Leaving trash on a mob, in a game where cash comes slowly, will be felt. I'm boggled by how someone or some team decided to price items in this game. Just floored.
Within the first two weeks of ROM I spent $70 for permanent items I felt warranted the value. Many of the items keep giving all the way to maximum level. Besides which, I created something I've always wanted but never could achieve in another game, having my own crafting workshop to share with friends and guild mates. I would have HAPPILY SPENT THE SAME IN ALLODS, if they'd given me items worth the cost. Instead the gave me the finger so I'm giving one back. No soup - err, no CS purchases for you!
Allods, you seriously had my money at hello, until gPotato decided that I'm a stupid American who would pay $20 for 6 extra spaces in my bag. In your dreams my friends. In your dreams.
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