I put up a quick post on my Star Citizen website about Alpha 3.3.5 which delivered the first planet to the persistent universe. It's nothing short of stunning, warts and all. The RP bug has hit many players now that we have the first planet with atmosphere - albeit polluted. It's common to see people walking instead of running. Many have ditched the default spacesuits for civilian clothing and I am surprisingly among them.
You can read the post and see a quick video here.
I hope to return to creating more SC content in the near future. Hurricane season wasn't kind in the south this year. In fact, Hurricane Michael tore through the first floor of my home. We're all safe but the first floor is gutted - everything had to be removed to prevent the possibility of mold. Floors. 3 foot up from all walls. All cabinetry. Gone - not habitable. Luckily, we're reaching the home stress on closing out insurance claims BS and should have funds soon to start reconstruction.
Hope you've had a blessed holiday.