I had a very enjoyable session this evening playing the second scenario in Frostpunk, The Arks. I'm over the moon from the detailed graphics and animations. I wish I had the time, and a bit more of the inclination, to write a quick guide. I see players struggling to make it through the first scenario on Twitch.
The game does an extremely poor job and teaching the fundamentals. They rush you into looking for survivors before you've even stabilized your own resource gathering. They don't explicitly push you to research and start building resource gathering platforms. Basically, if you run through the freebie stuff you can gather on the ground before you've built the other resource options it's literally game over. This means you can go wah-wah in about 5 to 6 days, in a scenario designed to last to 40 if you make it that far.
Here's a quickie video. I've been slowing things down to savor the experience.