I just released Star Citizen Nightbus Fiction Collective Volume 1. Whew, that's a mouthful. It's a compilation of the fan-fiction I've written thus far for Star Citizen. It contains the serialized stories that were previously released in NB episodes 1 to 6, plus the narration of Maggie's Origin Story.
Star Citizen lore and the upcoming MMO have inspired me to start writing fiction again and I'm enjoying it. As ever, I wish there were more leisure hours in a day to explore all of my hobbies but, I try to make do as I can. Smile Somehow, I'm going to begin making time to resume writing my own fiction while I'm feeling excited and motivated.
There's more to come for my NB fan-fiction too. The next two pieces of fiction that will appear alongside my OpEd pieces will be "An A.I.'s Story" and "Murder on the 890 Jump". A.I. will play around with the idea of telling a story with a non-human as the protagonist and Murder will be in the style of Clue, letting readers play along to guess the identity of the killer. These are both a few weeks out as I have other obligations to fulfill in between. Until then, I hope you enjoy this collective.