Story Synopsis: Maggie, a licensed paramour in Croshaw plans a new life in Stanton but a demanding and malevolent client has other ideas.
Background: Maggie made her first appearance in The Exterminator. This is her origin story, describing how she ended up in Stanton.
Maggie rolled away from him, relieved his session was over. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. It was out of fashion but she wore her hair loose and natural. The auburn waves undulated down below her shoulder blades. She clutched the bed sheet to her chest, about to stand up and wrap them around herself. She stopped when she felt him reach out and rub his knuckles up and down the small of her back. She winced as he slowly traced his fingers along the bruises he’d left there. It took all her composure not to flinch away in revulsion.
You can enjoy the full story here on Alysianah's World of Star Citizen.