I haven't had much gaming time this past week so very little was spent in Black Desert Online. When I did have time to play, I appreciated how easy it was to find something to do! Using the navigation option on the quest tracker, I could see which quests were closest to my current location. I accepted a Spirit Quest and since it was near two other quests doing, those became the plan of attack.
It took me roaming around the Gish swamp a few minutes to realize that it was a multi-leveled set piece. Not only could you go inside the structures around the friendly and hostile NPCs, you could climb ladders and scaffolding. At first I thought the injured soldiers on top of the scaffolding were back drop. But when I needed a safe place to to interact with the cutscene to complete my Spirit Quest, I tried climbing a ladder to get out of harm's way and it worked.
I ran around the area completing three quests, hid in a tower to manage my inventory and headed back to town when the sun began to set. I only had one oil lantern refill on me. Having completed the immediate quests I had in the area, it seemed like a good time to call it quits.
Having the multiple levels of structures and elements make exploration that much more exciting and fun. I still need to investigate fishing. I saw players fishing off a nearby peer that was being patrolled by NPCs. It's where I left my mount for safe keeping. Maybe that's what I'll reserve play time for in my next session.