Work has been super busy the past couple of weeks which has been a good distraction. I’ve also been working out of town which forces me to socialize with people even if I’m not feeling up to it. I’m back home for a couple of days and feeling tired but up for some Don’t Starve Together.
Just before leaving town I played a DST session where I was joined by Brokenwind and Fannel, former guild members from ArcheAge. I miss playing with them. They’re great folks but the difference in time zones is problematic. We ran around one of my DST worlds for a bit and it was good to catch up with them on TeamSpeak.
Over the weekend I was up for more DST. Unfortunately, there was a game update while I was out of town. I’m not sure if the removal all previous game snapshots was intentional or not. And if it was, did they really mean for people to loss access to all of their saved worlds??? I have 3 worlds I play with back and forth, depending on what character I want to play and what’s need to be done. All of them are over 200 days and have a lot of time invested. I’m just at the point of having really nice bases, have found Chester, starting to try magic and experiment with the more advanced mechanics. It will be a real disappointment to lose them all.
The issue I’m having is that the game client crashes to a black screen with LUA errors any time I try to load one of my saved worlds. Attempting to use the Manager Server window does the same thing. I was able to create, save and reload by making a new world but ugh, I’d really rather not.
I won’t be completely bent out of shape since its BETA. I’d just like to be clear this was the expected outcome of the most recent update. I can’t tell from the forum post and the responses. Some players are having issues, with loading the game but not expressing what I’m experiencing while others are asking questions about new console commands.
I’ve posted in the official forums and on Reddit hoping for some clarity, if not a fix. If anyone has any ideas, I uploaded an image of the crash/error here. This happens with or without mods installed. I REALLY REALLY don’t want to lose the world my daughter, nephew and I built if at all possible.