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February 06, 2015



That really reminds me of early EQ when you could consent other players not only to drag your corpse but also to loot it. People used to trust strangers to loot their corpse and hold the items until they could make it back. Those were different times for sure.

I have no real interest in zombie survival games but H1Z1 does sound interesting. I wonder if it will improve over time or if, as so often happens, those who played while it was at its roughest will come to feel they were the lucky few to enjoy the game's golden age.

Alysianah aka Saylah

The ability to drag his corpse would have been a great option. We could have hide it or his loot in a trailer. I like that Star Citizen will have features let you aide fallen players.

Yeah, I feel that way about ArcheAge actually. It's golden age was before the damn thing went live. I'm not into this genre either. The setting isn't my thing. I don't even watch these kinds of shows. But in game, it does feel like trying to survive in an unfamiliar place while trying to figure things out similar to other MMOs I've played. I'm not sure if it has staying power if you're not mad about PVP guerrilla style PVP.

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