Yep, I’ve joined the 9,999,999 gamers playing the newest World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Once I decided to unsubscribe from ArcheAge, I handed my money to Blizzard. I need to have a reliable MMO for the winter. I’ve not given up on AA. I’m holding out hope that Trion and XL Games can turn the ship around. However, I felt the need to voice my displeasure by withdrawing monetary support.
Sub Off
I’ve neatly downsized my operations in AA. My large farm plot is being used exclusively to craft and house Aged Cheese. I can’t fit 7 Aged Cheese larders down at a time, 2 cows for the milk required and 2 sheep to continue supporting my tailoring profession. Larders take 3 days to mature and do not require any attention in between. On my small farm I have another 2 cows and 2 lemon trees which also go toward supporting my Aged Cheese business. This change reduces my effort down to visiting those locations twice a day to feed livestock, draw milk and pick lemons.
I've become the Aged Cheese Lady
At my two houses, I’ve reduced the effort of harvesting and replanting yams and lotus multiple times a day, by raising chickens - nuttin’ but chickens. This serves to eliminate my peace time trade runs from Halcyona to Gwenoid. I’m harvesting eggs from chickens purely to remove the more time consuming effort of harvesting/gathering/butchering one thing to replace it again. Eggs sell at a decent price and were always part of my farming portfolio. The difference is they’re the sole focus of my Lilyhut operation, replacing the more profitable but consuming Yam Pasta trade.
Less Effort + Less Profit + F2P = Holding Pattern
My farming and trade operation used to require 3 hours per day minimum for farm management + 1.5 hours to do trade runs. I was routinely producing enough raw materials to support crafting 15 - 20 packs per day. My habit was to do at least two trade runs per day. When I was feeling more motivated and/or there weren't any guild activities taking place, I would do 3 or 4 runs.
Based on how things have been going in AA lately, I’m no longer willing to commit that much time or energy into a game I’m not sure is heading in a sound direction. My new line-up only requires a couple of hours a day tops but only yields 28 trade packs per week (14 Aged Cheese and 14 Milk Soap = 4 trade runs). That’s a huge reduction in production and the time required to execute it. Aged Cheese, Milk Soap and eggs will translate into more than enough money per month to cover using in game gold to retain my Patron status while waiting things out. I no longer have immediately goals to upgrade my armor, weapons or acquire a trade ship until I’m certain that I’m staying.
I will measure the success of this transition. I want it to stand on its own feet and not eat up the gold I’ve already earned. I removed gold from my character and placed it in the Warehouse, only seeding this experiment with 25G. I will no longer be purchasing Labor Potion from the AH either. All funds and LP earned will be kept to support on-going production, paying for APEX each month and acquiring Tax Certificates.
You'll find the new scenary in Draenor fairly pleasant. Shadowmoon is beautiful, and the snowy landscape of Frostfire Ridge is actually really good too. It's fun relating Outland locations to Draenor ones. (We finally completed both the Frostfire and the Shadowmoon storylines. The Frostfire one was okay, but the Shadowmoon one ... ! I didn't see that coming.)
And don't forget to play a little Hearthstone. A couple of hours, no more, will net you a free mount in WoW.
Posted by: | December 05, 2014 at 02:37 PM
That sounds exciting. Hmm, the plot thickens! So far I'm enjoying myself. I might push another character to 90 just to have a second garrison. In that one I'd just focus on the buildings and perks to support crafting professions. I have 2 characters within striking distance of 90. I might knock that out this weekend.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | December 05, 2014 at 04:43 PM