On Saturday, we joined another naval PVP event hosted by Praetorian. We roamed in a much smaller formation this time. Instead of multiple Cutter-class ships flanked by Clippers, there was only one large ship involved, their Black Pearl, with 3 clippers in front sailing in an arrowhead formation. Assigned to one of the clippers, I was front and center for all of the action.
The evening started off slow with very few enemy targets in sight. That didn’t last very long. We went from single clipper encounters to multiple clippers to fishing raids to Cutters with their own Clippers. With two full raids of players, many of whom don’t play together on a regular basis, it takes a time for people to get into the rhythm of their roles.
We flubbed the first big encounter – 3 fishing boats with Clippers. When the command was given to change targets from the ships to the players, there was a lot of chaos. Most kept targeting the boats, which you do to keep them in combat and prevent them from being unsummoned. The confusion left those of us who were fighting enemy players severely out numbered. I hadn’t heard the command to unsummon our Clippers. I’d only heard to change targets. It was a bit disorienting to suddenly find myself in the water mid cast. I moved back from the fray and resumed fighting. I heard a lot of people say they were dying and why wasn’t anyone fighting.
I could see our clipper raid wiping. I saw our healer’s name go gray – dead. I had an enemy target arrow flashing above my head and was being focus fired. I swapped into Swimfins, cast ‘Shrug it off’ to neutralize the stun on me, cast a shield and drank a health potion then teleported toward the bottom of the seabed. From there I swam down for all I was worth. Arrows stopped hitting me in a few seconds. I swallowed another health potion before teleporting forward once more. Momentarily at a safe distance, I started casting Recall, praying all the while it would transport me away before the bodies I saw coming toward me were in striking distance. *FLASH OF LIGHT* I dissolved to safety. Whew! It was a very close call.
Hitching a ride back to my Clipper team
The rest of the evening went smoother albeit not picture perfect. I died a few times. There was another miscommunication as to which team was doing what. One of the two ships we were chasing got away and people died unnecessarily. But all in all, it was a very successful evening, full of excitement, thievery and lots of pew-pewing. Our Clipper even spotted a guild from our faction handing off trade packs to an enemy faction in a PVP zone. Some guilds participate in this trade with the devil to ensure save transport of the goods to the enemy continent for large shipments of cross continent turn-ins for Gilda Stars or Charcoal Stabilizers. Too bad for them we happened on their exchange. We engaged the “reds” while our back up arrived. The “greens” didn’t bloodlust to defend. We destroyed the ships and took the loot.
Turning in Marlin from a fishing raid we killed
Our guild is looking to participate with Praetorian on a weekly basis. Fitting into their schedule will be difficult for us other than on weekends because many of our members are Oceanic and Praetorian is a NA guild. Hopefully, we can work something out. This is what I want to do on a regular basis for end game and I’d hate to have to leave my guild to do it. We don’t have the numbers to support doing it on our own.