Post Auroria
In the aftermath of disappointment in the release of the NA Auroria content, our guild chatter slowed down considerably. Guild members logging into ArcheAge was light for a couple of days. For myself, I decided to restructure my existing properties as though they would be my only pieces of land for the long term. This meant dropping tertiary produce and livestock to focus on priority production elements. Less profitable and/or items whose pricing was very volatile were removed from the line-up. I also added a new product that would help move another set of Trade Packs (TP) into the consistent 130% pay out range.
Gliding to the frontlines of the the conflict during NA Auroria release
New Trade Pack Production
I recently hit 50K proficiency in Husbandry and Commerce which prompted me to begin crafting and selling Multipurpose Aging Larders (MAL). MALs are items that are produced and turned into TPs right on your property. Due to the cost involved in purchasing the larders if you can’t create them yourself, a much smaller percentage of the player base produce them which is why the payout stays at 130%.
MALs are also good if you want to decrease the amount of time you have to spend tending your property. MALs take 3 days to age and do not require any interaction or maintenance after assembly. I also added TP creation from two more PVP enable zones which because of the variability in safe access to produce and transport TPs out of the zones, also stay at maximum payout percentages.
Rearranging trees on my small scarecrow farm
Using Multipurpose Aging Larders
To create MALs you must have the prerequisite Husbandry and access to a Farmer’s Workstation. If not, you can buy them from the Auction House. Before placing down a MAL be sure that you have all of the necessary ingredients immediately available. MALs will disappear if not stocked with supplies within 5 minutes – I think. I know it’s a very short timer and they’re not cheap. I sell the empty larders on the AH for 11 to 15 gold each, depending on the day, time and # already listed.
Larders are about the size of the small bamboo coops which means they only fit on properties that are 16x16 or larger. After placing your larder, choose from the 3 sets of food items that can be created:
- Aged Honey - requires 5 honey + 5 hay bales
- Aged Salve - requires 40 cultivated Ginseng + 20 olives
- Aged Cheese - requires 30 milk + 10 lemons
Although the larder displays multiple levels, it only produces a single TP. Since it take 3 days to mature and only produces a single TP, you should choose the longest turn in route to maximize your profit. For example, my 16x16 is in Gweonid Forrest, making Sandeep my furthest Gold Trader turn in point. At that distance and 130%, turn in, Aged Cheese pays is 20G each, Doing this x 5 using a Farm Wagon yeilds up to 100G every three days. Not bad for being my new secondary trade pack product. But what I was really after was more time to do other things, making larders an excellent option.
Multipurpose Aging Larder on my large scarecrow farm in Gweonid
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth
Convenient timing or semi genius, Trion has quelled the anger from the botched release of Auroria on the NA servers for a bit. Or at the very least, they’ve pushed the conversation to page two of the Times. For players who already own land, the biggest reason for wanting property in Auroria was to grow Archeum trees. Archeum trees produce the coveted and very expensive components needed to craft ALL gear in the game – armor, weapons and accessories, among other things. This new influx from Auroria property owners, would over time, lower the prices. The current state of prices was making crafted items exorbitantly expensive, putting them out of reach for most players and bankrupting crafters, who weren’t even breaking even.
The addition of one new item into the Market Place (cash shop) killed two birds with one stone. Enter stage left – a new chest that has a chance to include a Rumbling Archeum Sapling. An Archeum tree variant with a 10% chance to produce a Thunderstruck tree (another insanely expensive item needed for vehicles), doesn't require Archeum water found only in Auroria and it matures in an hour instead of days. This new item was introduced at the same time Patrons were given a retroactive 10% discount on all Market Place gems they'd purchased. Suddenly, thousands of players had gems to spend on the new chests. In turn, this made it rain Archeum trees in AA.
Within hours, Thunderstuck tree prices plummeted from 1.2K gold to under 300! And if the tree wasn’t hit by lightning to produce a TS, it dropped Archeum when you chopped it down. Double whammy drop in prices, as Archeum costs fell instantly. Suddenly, the two most expensive crafting materials in the game are within reach of the many more players. Both of the supporting systems – AH and CS almost buckled under the onslaught of players accessing them.
For myself, I sold everything I could to get my hands on to purchase the two TS trees needed to upgrade my 2 slot Farm Cart, to the 4 slot Farm Wagon introduced in the Auroria content patch. After getting the TS and other components, still relatively expensive for a vast majority of players, I was able to craft my ChittyChittyBangBang wagon. Once again, I was busted broke. Hrm, then it dawned on me to see how many gems I had in the CS from the patron refund. Uh huh, lots. YES!! I purchased chests, planted saplings and landed 2 TS which I immediately sold. Then I noticed the prices of the trees themselves were going for 35g each – a for sure amount versus planting yourself and hoping for TS to sell. I immediately changed tactics and sold my saplings and invested all the gold into purchasing the materials needed to craft my next set of armor. SCORE
Maiden voyage of my farm wagon - existing Marianople
Two efforts that were going to require weeks of grinding whatever means I had to make gold, were suddenly within reach in 24 hours. I spent all that evening into the wee hours of the morning playing the AH – watching prices on items I’d horded and selling anything not needed for tailoring or crafting a farm wagon. I’ve already been using the wagon but haven’t started crafting the next tier of armor yet. I need another 3K proficiency first. I might craft the plus 1K proficiency rug that can be placed in your home to make it happen sooner.
New Place to Call Home
In a bitter sweet decision, I decided to leave TIIL, the guild I’ve been playing with since Alpha. This was a very hard decision for me to make. They are a great group of people and I’ve enjoyed every minute of their company. However, they are mostly a guild of Oceanic players and over the past few weeks, there are fewer and fewer people playing in the NA time zone. Between changing work schedules, travel and people getting busy in real life, I was often one of only 3 people playing during the week in my time slot. The guild would be gaining critical mass just as I was logging off for the night. *Sad Panda*
I tried to stick it out because Friday and Saturday were good times. People playing extended hours, there would be at least a few hours where there were lots of people on when I was playing. In the end, I realized that I was at a point of being ready to do more in AA and more in AA requires bodies. This is not a solo friendly world for end game content other than farming and running trade packs. And I don’t want to PUG what there is to do – top tier instances, Hasla weapon grind and world PVP. That’s what being in a guild is for. Only time will tell if this was the right decision for me. I’ve moved from a very social but ultra-casual guild to one that is more formal in organizing group content which means there are roles and rules.
I joined Praetorian, the guild I’d acted as the liaison for to have TIIL invited to participate in weekly Naval PVP events. My departure while sad was understood. There’s just no denying that there are very few NA players in TIIL while Praetorian is all NA. I hope to still help to coordinate TIIL participation in Praetorian events in the future.
Last Event as TIIL
I remained in TIIL for 3 days after making my decision and accepting an invite from Praetorian. I wanted time to tell my fellow officers and the guild leader one-on-one and do a last group PVP as a member of their guild.
The weekend Naval PVP outing was a resounding success. Within the first 30 minutes we encountered and claimed two full trade ships. It got down and dirty but we did our thing, destroying both ships and recovering all of the trade packs. This was followed by several other skirmishes including destroying 2 war ships, multiple fishing boats, lots of clippers and an ocean of red players. A great time was had by all and it was a wonderful way to say goodbye to my now former guild mates but forever AA friends from The Immortal Imperial Legion.
Praetorian member carting a trade pack of Elephant Cookies we looted from "reds"
Full raid was loaded down with the spoils of war within 30 minutes
Oh nice, my Hallowtide costume matches the Praetorian colors. *smile*