Earlier in the week I encountered my 2nd Big Ass Monster that the players call BAMs. I'd only recently enountered my first as part of a quest a couple of levels ago. BAMs are designed for 5-man parties but I've seen players attempting them with less. Certain class combinations can duo them. I've heard of Lancers soloing them. I will definitely give it a try for shitz-n-grinz when my Lancer reaches this zone.
My first BAM quest completions were done duo with Sarzan. Whew, it's one hell of a long fight with little margin for error when you're messing with BAMs. Stray too far trying to evade a big hit and you might pull another BAM or set of mobs. *Raises hand* Yep, I've done that. The aggro leash is so large that other players can unintentionally drag a pack of mobs across your combat area and if you just happened to use an AOE spell... madness, weeping and death ensues.
In this first video you get a look at the zone and graphics as I travel to the area.l I'd already completed these quests these kills but wanted to record what it looked like from a full party perspective.
Tera Online Level 24 BAMs
BAM from same area as video above but as a duo- Sarzan and I. Unfortunately, I hadn't found my Fraps registration info yet and was using the unlicensed copy that stops every 30 seconds. Eventually the stop/start crashed by Tera. I made it back in time to finish him off. Sarzan kited and used the healing motes I'd dropped around the area until I made it back. But I was reluctant to re-start Fraps since we were actually completing the quest at the time. It's such a LONG FIGHT as a duo, I didn't want to take any chances.
Loralay (Sarzan) and Alysianah Duo a BAM - Partial video due to technical difficulties