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March 18, 2013



Awesome, I'm glad to see someone else stopping in and trying Tera Online. I downloaded it a couple weeks ago and have been playing it a little bit, but I only got to level 8 so far and I'm not sure that I will be able to keep playing it. It's just so generic, and there are so many other games to play! I don't know. I'm eager to hear the rest of your first impressions. =)

Alysianah aka Saylah

They've got something there. Or at least, it's enough for my tastes so far. For me, the most enjoyable ride is the journey to max level. If classes are good and/or the content compelling, I'm more forgiving in other areas until max level.

The end game is where games will lose me if they don't have enough content, decent PVP/WvW/RvR, housing or a vibrant crafting economy. I usually need two of the above at a minimum to stay after max level.

What server are you on? I'm on Ascension Valley. More than happy to join you in some questing if you'd like to give it another try.

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