I hit 35 on my Mesmer the other evening. Wow, that came quickly. I dinged it just before completing the Gendarran Fields map. Almost half way to having a 2nd max level toon and it still feels like leveling is so easy breezy.
I haven't done Ascalon Catacombs on her and I haven't touched sPVP or WvW. I have the same concern now as I did on my first character, my Guardian. The levels zoom by so quickly only doing the PVE and crafting, what the hell would happen if I completed all the instances and went to war against other players. I found a concise leveling guide for Artificer which I intend to use. That will be several levels achieved just standing at the crafting table. There's no real mystery in discovering the recipes for anything other than cooking so I might as well do it efficiently this time. I did all the crafting on my own steam the 1st time around.
Mind you, I'm not complaining. It's just that it continues to surprise me, how easy it is to level merely wandering around doing "stuff". I don't get focused on map completion until the hearts are all done and then I take inventory of what else I didn't happen to run into while questing. I take a session or two to complete those elements and bam, another map completed.
Every 5 to 10 levels I check my gear and food for upgrades. The trinkets/jewelry, food and weapons, I can make myself. For the armor, I use the Auction House. Oh my, what a change in tone and style when you hit level 30+ gear. Prior levels, I looked capable and wore sturdy gear which made sense for combat. I suppose when you hit 30, you throw caution to the wind and decide to expose the majority of your flesh to potential maiming? Is that the logic going on here? Logic aside, the gear is sweet looking. And I still love the dye system, something I typically don't bother with very much. It's done so well in GW2 that I really enjoy customizing my gear. Being able to do tone-on-tone from the same pallette makes the armor look more realistic. Changing colors whenever and where ever for no additional cost = fabulous! I might have to go on a dye quest later in life.
My Mesmer looks very regal in this level 35 "Masquerade Armor" set. I opted for the "strong" variation for power and precision. Weapons are upgraded with power and condition damage. Jewelry provides vitality and toughness. Standing there, she could be the High Priestess in a fantasy styled Tarot Deck. Hmm, a GW2 inspired Tarot Deck. Now that sounds interesting. Let's add that to the never ending list of things I'd love to have time to do.
"Only fifteen more levels to go and I'll have my second max level character."
Did I miss something?
Posted by: NoAstronomer | January 11, 2013 at 09:31 AM
LOL. I clearly had a brainfart, I had Rift on my mind having recently done the dimension for my nephew. hehe.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | January 11, 2013 at 09:38 AM
My main character is a mesmer and I play him all the time, there is nothing better than watching a fat Norn frolic around world vs world in pink armour casting butterflies and PURPLE ELECTRIC LIGHTING OF DOOM.
Posted by: Black Lions Profit | January 11, 2013 at 10:02 AM
Cute! Reminds me of people who loved creating Gnome warriors with pink pigtails! Was fun to watch but annoying as hell to click on them and heal them in large scale PVP.
When my frustration with WOW in general hit it's limit my motto was, "if you're too small to click easily , you'll just have to die!" :-) I miss the people I played with but I do not miss WOW.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | January 11, 2013 at 02:57 PM