When I first hit level 80, I planned to do all of the instances I hadn't done along the way, as well as their explorer mode versions. That's not how things worked out. I joined a static PVE group within our guild but quickly realized that I really couldn't dedicate the fixed periods of time anymore. Obligations and temperament combined, the 2 to 3 hour chunks of time required, no longer suited my play style or personality. My preference for playing an hour here-n-there, tending to real life things in between sessions, was much more the norm. And this play style had now been encourage by the gaming mechanics in Rift and GW2. So in the end, I bailed on focusing on instanced PVE for end game.
Instead I worked on my crafting and found a profitable selection of items which I pursue with rigor. Farming, doing whatever local events pop when I'm nearby and chasing dragons fits perfectly into schedule. However, it wasn't until recently that it dawned on me that I was making farming a bit harder by rolling around in what is essentially, support/healer gear. Doh!
At first I resisted the idea of getting another set. I don't have to have it. I do fine farming and pull multiple mobs where possible to do so and kill them just fine. When I'm doing world bosses I play the supportive roll anyway so there's no real harm in keeping the set I have now. But after looking at the other crafted armor sets and the stats that are available on them, I changed my mind. I wondered how much faster I could farm with more DPS? Faster farming = more materials = more crafted items = more gold. So what if I'm not sure what I'm saving gold up for now anyway. Someday, something will come along that I need it for! *smile*