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September 22, 2010



Oooooh new store!
Does that mean I can come by for tea?

I also have a potential customer for you, there's an RP tavern in the works, so loads of stuff will be needed, main thread about it is here; http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2x/posts/list.m?topic_id=2193
We've contributed tables and chairs with our meager carpenting skills :o)

Ziyi and Twinkle

Alysianah aka Saylah

Thanks for the heads-up. I will check it out. Sounds like a fun project.


P.S. Soon Ziyi. I'm headed out of town for a few days. When I return, I have to make a couple of sets for each of the new packages and then, I'll be ready to re-open. But of course, you and Twinkle are welcome to come chat anytime. :-)


Is it done yet... is it done yet... is it done yet...

Ziyi and Twinkle


Whaaaaa it's so pretty! And gorgeous! And the price books with each set are brilliant!

I'll be quiet now. And marvel at your shop design. :o)


Ziyi & Twinkle

Alysianah aka Saylah

@Ziyi - Thanks! I must say I love the notebook feature and that lil bit of RP flare they've allowed me to include in the shop. It's those small touches that makes the place feel like it's mine.

Sometimes I just wander through the rooms thinking, "Holy shit, I made all of this with these two virtual hands!!!"

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