As reported on Massively, Lord of the Rings Online, is going free to play. LOTRO is one of the few games where my initial gaming experience was so lackluster that I've never bothered trying the game again. I've played many MMOs that I've left after a few months of playing for one reason or another. However, if I found certain elements really good or was able to connect with that game on some level that was very entertaining, I can look past my core dislikes and re-subscribe off and on.
I'm not a fan of EQ2's old style questing where the questing is WAY over there and the player cities and towns are over here. For me it makes questing feel very disconnected from the virtual world experience - like it is just a side activity. I find myself wondering as my avatar, why I need to care about what these creatures are doing WAY OVER THERE, in an area that's clearly uninhabited, that I need to repeatedly go there and kill stuff. I’m a huge fan of there being player towns and/or outposts in the questing zones. Not for the convenience but for making the questing relevant to me as a denizen of this place, by having settlements near the action.
Another thing that eventually gets me in EQ2 is the abundance of quest chains. I am the opposite of people who enjoy long quest chains. I vehemently abhor them. Despite those two issues, I usually re-subscribe to EQ2 once a year because the game possesses other features I find very compelling. I absolutely love EQ2 crafting. The game’s player housing is second to none that I’ve experienced. And I think it’s genius that you can combine the two and use your housing as a storefront.
EVE is another game where I don't stay subscribed for more than 2 to 3 months at a time. I've had a few grand adventures but most of my time is spent refitting ships, traveling, salvaging and managing my inventory. I actually like the PVE that I do in between my other puttering. In fact, I never wished for their space combat to be anything more until I played Star Trek Online. Much of the PVE combat in EVE is decided before you even undock your ship. It's all about how prepared you were for that particular encounter. After STO, the one thing I wish CCP could change would be to make their PVE combat as interactive and exciting as STO. Well that and add ambulation, which I’m starting to feel is never actually coming – EVAR!
Even with combat that is often a fore drawn conclusion, there's something about the atmosphere of EVE - the ambiance and silence of its simulated deep space that I find very appealing, especially when I'm in my lone wolf moods. Consequently, I tend to re-subscribe for a couple of months, 2 to 3 times a year.I’ve considered going back to Age of Conan. I’ve recently considered checking out Warhammer Online after the game completes the server merges. A few months back I went back to Aion but didn’t last long at all. Yet I’ve never considered going back to try LOTRO. I didn’t find an element appealing enough to over shadow the things I disliked. Consequently, there’s never been an urge to hand over a month’s subscription dollars. This new F2P model could change that stance. I might… maybe… someday… give it another look.
I enjoyed reading stories about other peoples' experiences in LOTRO and contemplated giving it another try. I'm sure it's improved a lot since I played the Trial a few years ago, just at the time the static animations of the characters (compared to WoW's more fluid animations) put me off. If they're going F2P, even if it's only something a la W101 with an unlimited Trial to level 10, I think that would still be a lot of fun.
Posted by: Capn John | June 04, 2010 at 11:06 AM
I tried to go back to AoC but was never to solve their FPS problem. I was initially concerned about the fate of the lifetime subscriber/founder at Lotro until I read about it. The only question I haven't seen answered is what happens to the existing characters? It appears that all remains as is. That being the case it seems like the Lotro lifers come out smelling like a rose.
I only wish this news had come out before we recorded the last show.
Posted by: Julie Whitefeather | June 04, 2010 at 01:28 PM
@Julie - I was thinking the same thing. Would have been a good topical conversation. Yes, I also read that lifetime subs come out way ahead which is a good thing. They need to take care of people that gave them that level of trust and patronage.
If nothing else, this would breathe new life into the lowbies zones for people who really want to make a real go at LOTRO. I'll probably take a look at some point. It would be nice if they implemented that phased downloading/install like EQ2 has added. It's REALLY stellar in only downloading what you need to get started in the game then downloads more in the background as you go. Was FAB-U-LOUS to re-install that way the last time I visited Norrath.
Posted by: Saylah | June 04, 2010 at 04:57 PM
Agreed, this will probably mean I go back for another spin in the game. Maybe even spend money this time... which is likely the plan.
Posted by: Tesh | June 04, 2010 at 07:09 PM