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June 04, 2010


Capn John

I enjoyed reading stories about other peoples' experiences in LOTRO and contemplated giving it another try. I'm sure it's improved a lot since I played the Trial a few years ago, just at the time the static animations of the characters (compared to WoW's more fluid animations) put me off. If they're going F2P, even if it's only something a la W101 with an unlimited Trial to level 10, I think that would still be a lot of fun.

Julie Whitefeather

I tried to go back to AoC but was never to solve their FPS problem. I was initially concerned about the fate of the lifetime subscriber/founder at Lotro until I read about it. The only question I haven't seen answered is what happens to the existing characters? It appears that all remains as is. That being the case it seems like the Lotro lifers come out smelling like a rose.

I only wish this news had come out before we recorded the last show.


@Julie - I was thinking the same thing. Would have been a good topical conversation. Yes, I also read that lifetime subs come out way ahead which is a good thing. They need to take care of people that gave them that level of trust and patronage.

If nothing else, this would breathe new life into the lowbies zones for people who really want to make a real go at LOTRO. I'll probably take a look at some point. It would be nice if they implemented that phased downloading/install like EQ2 has added. It's REALLY stellar in only downloading what you need to get started in the game then downloads more in the background as you go. Was FAB-U-LOUS to re-install that way the last time I visited Norrath.


Agreed, this will probably mean I go back for another spin in the game. Maybe even spend money this time... which is likely the plan.

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