Trio Hits Level 57
My tri-box experiment, recently gone 5-box, is still gaining levels and gear in Hellfire Citadel. The lowest is level 57, just three away from really nice upgrades we've looted. I actually thought they'd level a wee bit faster in the dungeons. At this rate, I'm not sure my interest will last for them to hit level 70. With that thought in mind, I've been trying to decide if there's one or more of these characters I have, that I'd be willing to run to 80?
Of my level 70s, the two most prepared for a level 80 run are the Warlock and Druid. My priest was borked by someone who I allowed to play her for a while. They untrained tailoring without realizing it meant her Primal Mooncloth set is now invalid - she can wear it but it offers not stats. DUH! It took me almost an hour to figure out why the game was showing the busted gear figure when everything had 100% durability. Only my nephew would have been silly enough back then to un-train 300+ Tailoring/Enchanting. In my mind, that leaves her out since she has no gear, professions or gold.
Level 70 Warlock and Druid are well Geared
The Warlock and Druid are in VERY good shape. Max professions for their level, including cooking and fishing - somewhat of a completest and they're in Kara grade gear. The problem is that the Warlock was my first character. I played her 2+ years straight and did hardcore raiding on that character. I worshiped her back in the day. Now I can't stand the idea of her as my main, even if she's easy-mode PVE.
The Druid was the last character I leveled to 70. She was a lot of fun to solo but for some reason, I don't really dig that class in groups. I don't like the Druid tanking mechanic and I don't want to be a a tree or a funky chicken. Not really clear on what I was doing with her gear, enchants and gems, she's actually fit for tanking not DPS. DOH. I meant to be going for DPS but survivability solo was in my head and that's how I geared her up. I keep trying to convince myself to just choose her as my main and get on with it but something keeps holding me back.
I'd like to Tank as a Paladin
The character I really want to get to 80 is the Paladin. Dunno, there's just something about my now Draenei Pally that I adore. My problem with her is that she's geared for holy and I don't want to heal groups as Paladin. For healing, the class that I love like best is the Priest. I know that all of the healing classes are capable. It's a play-style thing. Like having a Druid already geared to tank but wanting to tank as the Paladin instead.
Besides not having the gear, she also had her professions borked over by one of the kids once I stopped playing. I mean WTF? Other than my son and I, no one else EVER finishes professions. I don't understand why they restart them. For some players that might not be a big deal but for me it's huge. I must craft if I'm going to play. It's what I do in my tinkering time. Yet the thought of re-doing 4 professions - yes, I must have fishing and cooking too, is quite irksome!!
What to do - what to do? I'm pretty sure the 5-box won't last until they're all 80 but I'd like to keep a character going until Cataclysm arrives. I've considered 3-box 70s to 80 but not sure about that either. Suggestions?
Daughter is Trying WOW Again
My youngest daughter is giving WOW another try. It's been a good three years since her first attempt. She's a more seasoned gamer now even though not so much with the MMOs. Right now she's using slot 5 of my 5-box since we're rarely trying to play at the same time. She couldn't decide between Druid, Warlock and Mage so she's going to dabble with each until she makes up her mind.
She started with the Druid which I ported over to the human zones so there would be other players around and I could help her with quests if she had questions. I followed her around for a bit on my Mage - just watching. And you know what, I still ABSOLUTELY ADORE the trek from Northshire Abbey to Southshore. Questing in the more recent starter zones is better - more variety and convenience but there's something about those zones that I just love. They also contain one of my favorite storylines, the Defias. Good memories. Watching her run around Goldshire made me homesick for it. So much so, that I made a Shaman and ported her over to where my daughter's character was questing. *Smile*
Dual-spec the Paladin. Maybe take up Blacksmithing on her so you can make your own Tank set, or multibox specific content so she can get a Tank set. That might be easier/cheaper than Blacksmithing a set.
Posted by: Capn John | May 25, 2010 at 10:36 AM
@John - I had considered that and was going to use the Armory to see where I can get upgrades more suited to tanking. Games really need crafting systems where you don't have to create hundreds of mediocre borderline useless in between the decent items. *sigh* EVE is the only MMO I've played where that's not required.
Posted by: Saylah | May 25, 2010 at 08:27 PM