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January 15, 2010


Julie Whitefeather

Great post. I, of course, am a dyed-in-the-wool Star Trek fan as you know. I am glad to see that Cryptic seems to be concentrating on the core game first rather than do too much. I have spent a good deal of time on the Klingon side as well and mostly enjoy the space combat (I can tell that is the case when I start yelling "Take that you Feddie B***ards" at the computer screen.

Julie Whitefeather

Alysianah aka Saylah

@Julie - Thanks. The show we recorded for No Prisoners No Mercy is what sparked my interest. As soon as we all hung up I gave Tipa a call to hear more about the game. My "what is story" and "rise of the coop-MMO" ideas were sparked from that recording as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to link to the podcast with the post.


@Saylah: What is the distinction you make between cooperative play and MMO, or perhaps how do you define each?

For me cooperative play is something that is part of an MMO, but not exclusive to MMOs.

Steve K

@Saylah: I realize this is somewhat off-topic, and also that you have very little time lately for gaming...still, I ran across a f2p game that I thought I'd pass along to you.

Knowing that you like both EVE and RoM, and wanted so much to like PotBS, there is another offering from Frogster that I found.

Bounty Bay Online. Here's some really intriguing screenies:

I'm DL'ing it as I write this...going to try it alongside RoM (which I'm having a blast with btw)

I'll hit ST:O sometime in 2011 or '12.

Alysianah aka Saylah

@Steve - Thanks for thinking of me. I've actually run into some good games from blog comment recommendations. That's who I happened across ROM. I'm glad you're having a blast. I'm such a nudge about re-rolling my main after release that the whole 180 launch day patch that changed my class annoyed me. I did plan to return with the elves for a fresh start but that didn't materialize on my end.

I will give BBO a look when I get a chance.

Alysianah aka Saylah

@Sente - Post coming to explain.

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