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December 21, 2009


Winged Nazgul

Haven't checked this game out much even though I do have a Beta key, but I understand their stat system isn't the normal "dump all into one stat" which might be contributing to the slowness of the combat you are experiencing.



Yes, stats are important but you only get 1 point per level to spend while having 4 primary stats that to at least to 100. I find this strange and expected something more like AOC where you get maybe 5 to spend and you put 1 here, 2 there, etc. Also the gear itemization is getting poorer the more I level. I was initially impressed that the stats on the quest reward gear was appropriate for my class AND most of the reward options when it was gear related were multiple choice. There's nothing like being rewarded with gear you can't wear. Why on earth do games do that??? Blizzard, I'm talking to you!

So while the stats are important, so far I've seen very little at my disposal to impact them enough in order to improve the combat. Every meager 1 point I get I'm putting into Perception to offset the 30% to 50% resists on my damage. This is part of what makes the combat take so long. They have the mobs resisting a good deal of your damage output.


The casting "storage" was apparently rooted in PvP design considerations. Since ship-to-ship (with crew vs. crew boarding actions) PvP is a significant part of the endgame, and ships are somewhat constrained arenas with doors and walls, the devs wanted a way to avoid making casting times break line of sight on moving foes, thereby wasting a cast. Storing a spell to fire it off instantly later is a way to keep the casting time for balance reasons but allow for split second usage in tight quarters.

Of course, it does change other aspects of combat as well, like pulling and timing (especially during lag). It's there consciously, though, rather than a band-aid fix for tech incompetence.

So far I like the game, though I have many of the same quibbles. I really miss the minimap, autoattack and strong wiki.

I've settled on a Psionicist (Gibberling Seer) for my "main" during the beta, and I've enjoyed it so far. Kiting is indeed useful, but I've managed to find a rotation where I can kill equal level foes from a distance, often before they get to melee range. Lower level foes almost never reach me. Higher level foes get in close, but I have a couple of defensive panic buttons to use to last out the fight.

Then again, it's hard to take on foes that are more than a level ahead of me. The power differential between levels seems to be pretty significant. The level 40 cap might have something to do with that (a wide power band with fewer discrete steps means each step is bigger than a narrow band with many steps).


I'm thoroughly enjoying Allods.

I'm also not seeing ANY of the issues with combat you describe. I wonder if it's a connectivity/lag issue? I am mostly playign a Gibberling Animist, currently 16th. My main targetted spell is a lightning strike (excellent graphic). It casts instantly and strikes the mob in exact synchronization. Never seen the slightest delay.

I also played a Mage to 8th and his spells worked perfectly. Mrs Bhagpuss has played just about everything now and she reports no synchronization issues at all.

I have seen a very small amount of mob rubberbanding, but only infrequently. I see a lot more in other games.

As a pretty poorly equipped Animist I can kill mobs at or below my level with ease (my pet can solo most thngs even a level below me). I can kill mobs one level above me reliably, two levels above me sometimes. Beyond that it is impossible.

Stats make a HUGE difference, much more so than any other MMO I have played. It's not the single point per level you put into them that matters so much as the stats on gear.

I disagree about the quest text, which I love. I am entirely against anything that lets people skip text, all the more so if that makes this a game that puts off people who don't like to read.

Last day of CB2 today and I really hope CB3 starts soon.


@Bhag - I can't imagine why this game would be lagging for me an no other game. I can run 5 WOW clients, two Aion clients and this one lags? Hmm.

I prefer games that allow people to choose what works best for them. Runes of Magic struck a wonderful balance in that regard. While some may enjoy the walls of text others don't. There's no need to force people to scan/speed read if they're not as interested as others are, in the back story.


Hi Saylah. I'd like to weigh in on the combat and your discussion about stats.

You're correct in stating that you only get 1 point per level. When you look at a piece of gear and see +5 to this and +6 to that you realize that your 1 point per level seems a little ineffective. However, you'll notice as you get higher level that you start lacking in a certain area.

As a Melee Warden I need to focus on Perception, Wisdom, Luck, and Intelligence. I've noticed that gear with enough Wisdom (my finesse stat) is lacking. I've decided to place all my points into Wisdom when I level to offset this deficit.

Combat should not be slow. It should not feel long and drawn out and you should not feel out of sync. As for feeling slow, you must be running into a problem with your stats or your spec. Allods is anything but forgiving. I think that's why respecs are offered for real money. You need to not mess up or your combat will feel slow. However, experimenting and playing enough, and a willingness to learn, will reveal that it is easier than it seems at first glance. Once you figure out how the stats work with the different types of playstyles then you won't feel like it's slow.

As for being unsynchronized, I'm not sure what to say. It's smooth and synchronized for me. The pacing of combat takes some getting used to with no auto attack. Until you get higher level and have more abilities (~15) you may be waiting for the refresh timer.

A mini-map is supposedly on the way. UI customization (and modding) is available for the Russians so we believe it will be for everyone else.

If you have any particular questions I can try to answer them. I've invested a lot of time becoming educated on the game and will be leveling to 30 (if that's the cap) in the next phase of beta.

Freedon Gordman

I read your "impressions", and all I have to say is...
I'm sorry you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. It's a terrible condition, really.


Because I have a method for testing classes in games and keyboard layouts? Sorry, I don't find memorizing new keyboard layouts a form of entertainment. Every time you want to go to your favorite restaurant from your house, so you purposefully take a different route just 'cuz? Didn't think so. Moving is moving, jumping is jumping - there's no value add in having it mapped differently for each game. The sameness of menial tasks, things for which there is no value gained by it being different or confusing, is why standards are eventually established.

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