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December 27, 2009


Aion kinah

It is very good.I like to see it.Thank you for the share.If you want to buy aion kinah,you can go to aionkinah.ca.Have a good time.


Aye, I've settled on League (I'm a sucker for the Gibberlings). I really like the steampunk elements of the Empire, though, so I'll spend some time over there, too. It's a credit to the devs that both are appealing.


I'm very torn now. I'll prooooobably start with Empire. I've seen shire settings before but so little intensive steampunk. Guess we'll be on opposite sides of the war mate. :-)


I figure, if you're going to play Empire, take an Arisen, and if you're League, play a Gibberling trio. They are the most unique offerings in characters for the game. I'll probably wind up with each. Equal opportunity warfare. ;)


settled on League too.. I think it's the best of all


What I like about allods is that it isnt Bad vs Good. More just two factions at war. I hate it how in some games one side is always more cruel and poor etc. I definatly prefer the empire as i love the bustle and tech of their cities rather then the peace and tranquility of the league.

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