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July 20, 2009



Gz in advance on when you hit 40, a milestone in terms of talents and IMHO interesting areas (I personally like the areas 45 and up much more than the areas 30-45).

I'm not sure I understand though, are you saying your mage tanked SM? Or was that your level 40 paladin?

Alysianah aka Saylah

Oops, sorry that was unclear. I box in my 43 Paladin to tank. I'm really considering your idea of the Moonkin if I get to level 60 5-man content. I was looking into the Warlock spec and man, they've gotten the real nerf bat since I left. I'm sure they're still decent in raids but the subtle changes over time make their talent trees rather ho-hum.

The problem with making that changes is that my Druid is in full feral gear. She doesn't have a single piece of Balance gear.


SM is also one of my favorite instances. I love killing the humans (pirates, scarlet types, and defias). I also like killing undead, but other than my pally (level 30 this weekend, woot, mount for him hehe), my DK is the only toon I have that is effective against undead.

As for zones, I am also not a big fan of STV.

We Fly Spitfires

Personally I hate the big ugly elephants :) Still, Draenei look awesome on cat or goat mounts :)


> "I'm really considering your idea of the Moonkin if I get to level 60 5-man content."

If? Don't you mean "when"? :)

> "I was looking into the Warlock spec and man, they've gotten the real nerf bat since I left. I'm sure they're still decent in raids"

Extremely decent, especially in caster-friendly fights (of which there are plenty). Even in non-caster friendly fights involving a lot of movement and/or interruptions, a strong Affliction spec is pretty incredible. In fact the first guild to get Yogg-Saron down without any helpers said that Affliction Warlocks were the most important DPS in the fight and they would have stacked even more of them if they had them (they had 5 I believe). Granted that's rather an extreme example :)

> "but the subtle changes over time make their talent trees rather ho-hum."

That depends on the purpose. For 5-mans which you want to do (as for raids), this level 80 destruction spec should really bring home the good in terms of sheer damage:


A level 60 variant might look like:


Although I would try hard to get Suppression from the Affliction tree for the added hit, depending on your gear.

> "The problem with making that changes is that my Druid is in full feral gear. She doesn't have a single piece of Balance gear."

Gear will come, especially when you farm instances. That should *really* not be a consideration :) The only factors I advise you to consider are fun - which both warlocks and druids are - and synergy/benefits with/to the group. Here maybe druid has a slight edge, IMHO.

Alysianah aka Saylah

@Solid - Thanks for the additional info! I haven't played the Warlock regularly in over two years. She was my first and only main for a straight 2.5 years of leveling and raiding. When I burned out on her I did my Priest which I leveled and logged when she hit max level. Oh the pain of healing PUGs and trying to heal stupid alliance players in BGs who refuse to guard or defend.

From her I went to the Druid and that's all I played until I left WOW altogether. 2+ years of no Warlock and my the landscape on them changed. I guess all the screaming about them in PVP has done the trick. I hear that the Warlock class is in sharp decline and under represented in Arenas now.

I'm starting to lean in my ideas toward the Druid for the reasons you've stated and something new. But the something "new" also means learning a play style that I don't know while trying to do something new too (5-box). Druids get screwed with those dumb ass looking forms they've barely changed even with the new boring ass skins. All their great armor is masked by a static form.

One thing I was thinking that is good about the Warlock is the soulstone wipe recovery. Guess I can look into whether or not you can soulstone but not be in the group.

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