The first Screenwriting Workshop has ended. I now have a two week hiatus until the next workshop in the series begins. I didn’t walk away with a completed script. A flaw was revealed rather late in the game which necessitated a large plot change – meaning stop the presses, fix the plot and re-write. Regardless, I’m still pleased with where I ended.
Summer is a little less hectic at work. Not because the amount of work slows down but the amount of meetings drop off significantly as a result of people taking vacation. This means you actually get to work during the workday. *GASP* As apposed to being in meetings all day and working during the late afternoon into early evening. Have I mentioned recently how much I hate being in Corporate America? Probably have, uh?
Feeling slightly less stressed at work means, I feel better at the end of the workday, which turns my heart and attention to gaming. I’m still tickled by my little multi-boxing adventure. I recently transferred my own level 70s to a fourth account so that I could start the process of learning to 4-box in a tank. I had a level 43 Paladin sitting on Whisperwind to use for practice. When I grabbed my level 70 characters, I was shocked and dismayed to find that when I’d grouped up all our max level characters and allowed my nephew to play the “monster account”, he’d changed professions but never leveled up what he’d selected.
Oh the shock and horror of finding tailors, enchanters and alchemists, whose skills had been in the 300s, reset to mining, skinning and leather working sitting in the teens. Like why-why-why would anyone, even a 10 year old, do that? *Cries big splashy tears* I declare death to all 10 year olds who have max level characters in WOW and ought to know better, who reset high level professions and abandon them.
As you can probably guess there’s also NO GOLD TO BE HAD. All of the gold was twinked away on various low level characters and two DKs. Can I please RMT three mounts? No? I nearly broke into sobs.
Unfortunately, I didn’t realize he’d borked the professions until I’d paid to transfer over the two characters that I wanted purely for the professions and gold. There was no way to know the condition of the characters until they were on an active account. *More splashy tears of pain and agony*
The silver lining in the travesty visited on the account, was that the characters I’d eventually need to 5- box hadn’t had their professions screwed over. Too bad I didn’t move them from the start. The only reason I didn’t, is that I didn’t want to trigger a cool down on a transfer or touch those characters, unless the trio actually made it to Outland. They’re on PVP servers. My trio is on PVE. I wasn’t sure if PVE back to PVP was available yet or I get bored with this whole idea. I didn’t want to screw the pooch with those characters in case this whole 5-boxing adventure goes up in smoke.
Forced to grab my old 70s now, I was happy to discover that my Druid and Warlock professions were unchanged. The Warlock is Tailor/Enchanter/Fishing mid 300s and the Druid is Mining/Skinning/Cooking mid 300s. No easy, just hand it over mount money was available for my box trio. Grrrrrrr! But at least I can go out and farm something or other to make the cash. And no, I don’t subscribe to Blizzard’s version of Daily Quests. *Shudder* That’s a hurl-up-my-lunch worthy concept. I’ll be happy to double-dip when I’m doing the 5-man content that also rotates into dailies or I might take a peak at the cooking dailies. As for the rest, that’s a huge HELL NO!
Ouch!! Even professions in WoW, which are not all that difficult to level with gold and time, are a PITA to start over again after something like this happens. Good luck with leveling them again, if you decide to go that route.
I also asked in another post (a few minutes ago) what server you are going to be on for this. I may be interested in moving a toon to play with you as I never really got the chance in ROM.
Posted by: RomaGoth | July 16, 2009 at 02:55 PM
This is why I don't let other play on my MMO accounts.... EVER.... *shudder*
Course I also play EVE. That game teaches you a healthy doze of paranoia and never to allow access to stuff you can't do without. Hey it's EVE, there are plenty of pirate blogs that prove the ARE out to get you :)
Posted by: Letrange | July 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM
Put in a petition to Blizzard. Claim the characters you transferred over must have been hacked prior to the transfer because their professions were erased and they had none of the gold you knew they had on the other server.
Posted by: Capn John | July 16, 2009 at 05:33 PM
GMs can restore deleted professions now. im not sure if they can if you start leveling a new one but its worth a check.
Posted by: mer | July 17, 2009 at 09:28 AM
Thanks Mer but the change was done so long ago. He's been off the account for months. Plus I've already spent the money now to move the "real" toons and am using their professions. It's good to know for the future.
Letrange - yeah, I won't be making that mistake again.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | July 18, 2009 at 08:28 PM
This is quite an informative posting on the accounts. I generally never allow anyone play on my accounts.
Posted by: EverQuest Accounts | July 19, 2009 at 08:14 AM
I've never left a comment, and rarely I comment on other blogs but I read you everyday, and often more than once a day.
What does everyone else thing of the site mymmoshop? A lot of people are saying it is the #1 one site in world in terms of where to buy wow gold. My experience with them has been great so far. Peace out man.
Posted by: Account Deleted | September 04, 2009 at 01:57 PM