I’ve been playing Runes of Magic for a little over a week. Initially I spent a lot of time learning the game’s basic features and uncovering the many the side activities you can engage in when you’re not leveling. If you missed those posts you can read them here, here and here.
The past few days I’ve spent my time more like a typical gamer. I’ve been playing the game instead of being focused on all the nuisances of play. This post will be short on words and long on pictures that illustrate what I’ve been doing.
Early zones have lots of caves,
mines and other semi-enclosed quest locations
which are enjoyable for explorer types like me
I'm just running around questing.
The scenery is definitely pleasing
Default quest log and map work interactively
very similar to the WOW add-on QuestHelper
You can search for the location of NPCs
You can also request directions which will provide
an arrow directing you to the location ala QuestHelper
I toured the first capital city, Varanas
It seems to be the equivalent of a Stormwind
IMHO it's more impressive than any EQ2 city &
visually beats out the WAR capitols which is shocking
I understand the need for grandeur in cities
IMO most are too large and many areas vacant
It's pretty but wastes time running back & forth
ROM implemented transporters
They whisk you to the major areas within the city
MMO RP purists are probably rolling in their graves
A comely House Maid that will port me from the city
directly to my house. That's nice of her.
I'm still waiting for the day when NPCs stop
standing in one place all day and forever.
This isn't that game to change that
“Bakejam, you must be bored as hell
standing here facing that rock pile all day.”
I've progressed to Silverspring, the next leveling zone
It’s still farmland. I’m still killing animals.
However, there are humans over the ridge...soon
“Don’t let this dress fool ya.
Get on my bad side and you’ll
get the blunt side of this big ass mace.”
I’d love a new robe (dress)
A kind player gave me an uncommon (blue) one
but I can’t wear it yet
Not sure what the crafting QQ was about
Harvesting is simple, mats req’d reasonable
and the crafting is easy
Do note that I have crafting XP buff
obtained from the RMT stove you see there
Ignore the half-naked mannequin
She’s ROM’s version of a wardrobe quick-change object
& wearing what I swap into as my Warrior
I like the art style
It’s between EQ2 and WOW
with only WOW level resource drain on your PC
The End
mines and other semi-enclosed quest locations
which are enjoyable for explorer types like me
I'm just running around questing.
The scenery is definitely pleasing
Default quest log and map work interactively
very similar to the WOW add-on QuestHelper
You can search for the location of NPCs
You can also request directions which will provide
an arrow directing you to the location ala QuestHelper
I toured the first capital city, Varanas
It seems to be the equivalent of a Stormwind
IMHO it's more impressive than any EQ2 city &
visually beats out the WAR capitols which is shocking
I understand the need for grandeur in cities
IMO most are too large and many areas vacant
It's pretty but wastes time running back & forth
ROM implemented transporters
They whisk you to the major areas within the city
MMO RP purists are probably rolling in their graves
A comely House Maid that will port me from the city
directly to my house. That's nice of her.
I'm still waiting for the day when NPCs stop
standing in one place all day and forever.
This isn't that game to change that
“Bakejam, you must be bored as hell
standing here facing that rock pile all day.”
I've progressed to Silverspring, the next leveling zone
It’s still farmland. I’m still killing animals.
However, there are humans over the ridge...soon
“Don’t let this dress fool ya.
Get on my bad side and you’ll
get the blunt side of this big ass mace.”
I’d love a new robe (dress)
A kind player gave me an uncommon (blue) one
but I can’t wear it yet
Not sure what the crafting QQ was about
Harvesting is simple, mats req’d reasonable
and the crafting is easy
Do note that I have crafting XP buff
obtained from the RMT stove you see there
Ignore the half-naked mannequin
She’s ROM’s version of a wardrobe quick-change object
& wearing what I swap into as my Warrior
I like the art style
It’s between EQ2 and WOW
with only WOW level resource drain on your PC
The End
That's about it. I'm questing/leveling, harvesting & crafting, exploring and wondering what to do with all the gold I have in my pockets. I've seen great gear in terms of stats on the Auction House selling for insane prices. 30K gold for a shield. I'd love to buy something but I'm not sure if I need this gold for later on, so for now I'm resisting the urge. Plus it seems extravagent to spend that much gold on something I'll replace in the next few levels. Too bad I'm the gamer whose gold burns a hole in her pocket.
This is where RMT crimps my style. If not for RMT, the vanity items and pets would be for sale in game and I'd buy something to follow me around and make me smile. As it is, I'm not spending gold on temporary vanity fluff. *Sighs* I do need to find out where the vendor is for all these Daily Quest reward tokens I have in my pocket.
This is where RMT crimps my style. If not for RMT, the vanity items and pets would be for sale in game and I'd buy something to follow me around and make me smile. As it is, I'm not spending gold on temporary vanity fluff. *Sighs* I do need to find out where the vendor is for all these Daily Quest reward tokens I have in my pocket.
Great write up thanks!
Posted by: Hudson | February 09, 2009 at 09:57 AM
@Hudson - I'm on Artemus server. If you're planning on popping on and off, let me know your name so I can add to friends list.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | February 09, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Very nice. I wish I had time to play more than one game, but I'm trying to level 2 characters to 80 in WoW before my guild gets bored with Naxx...lol.
Speaking of other games...
Star Trek Online character creation
Posted by: Blacknimbus | February 09, 2009 at 03:40 PM
Oh ok that's where I made my character. His name is Malakon, and the Priest is named Rynar.
I will have more time to play this week but cannot give a definite time when I might be on.
My Rogue did get that 24 hour horse as a reward for checking into the starter town that was pretty cool.
Posted by: Hudson | February 09, 2009 at 03:41 PM
Nice write up, Saylah. I haven't been able to play much the last couple of days, but I am nearly ready for my dual-classes now :D (after long periods of deep thought and research on the website and forums).
I am also on the Artemis server (as Saylah already knows), my toons are Romagoth, Romannus, and Romagrave, for anyone who is new or bored you can look me up sometime.
Posted by: RomaGoth | February 09, 2009 at 03:45 PM
Cool Hudson - we can added each other for the times when we happen to be online at the same time.
I've been trying to research guild benefits. If there's more than the name then I'd like to create one for a VERY casual atmosphere - place to meet if/when others are online, people to talk to when you happen to play. I think it will be very beneficial to have a home to come too even if you're playing rarely. Unfortunately, those features haven't been implemented and the site is short on details. It appears that guild might get a guild hall immediately which would be cool.
Posted by: Alysianah aka Saylah | February 09, 2009 at 04:34 PM
I hit level 6 last night on Malakon wanted to play this morning but have to run!
Posted by: Hudson | February 10, 2009 at 08:05 AM