My last week of freely writing and playing Warhammer Online is coming to a close. I'm still on vacation through next week but will be cooking and entertaining for Thanksgiving, like many other Americans. Here are a few pictures from two random and unrelated adventures from this week.
This week concludes with roughly 23K word count worth of fiction writing, Rank 33 on my Bright Wizard, Rank 11 on my Warrior Priest, obtained the first tier reward from the Heavy Metal event and lots of household chores completed, including a variety of homemade sweets and frozen desserts.
I hadn't planned on playing my WP at all until the new classes were released. Unfortunately, my bank and backpack are completely full of herbs that require water to be turned into potions. My Cultivating is maxed at 200. My Apothecary is at 168. I can either start selling the herbs even though I need them to finish out leveling and want the potions, spend all my gold on the expensive water being sold on the Auction House or get out there and gather my own water. I opted to bring out the WP and set her to scavenging me a free source of water.
Despite the population issues I'm still having fun. Sometimes it starts to feel like a grind when I've been killing the same mobs repeatedly trying to gain Influence. When it starts feeling that way I queue up for Scenarios. If Order is sucking butt in them and it's to annoying to stand, I log off and go do something else.
Of course I want all the bugs fixed, the very awkward aspects of the game interface refined. the combat made less sluggish and the questionable ways in which contribution are attributed ironed out. However, if Santa Claus is taking any early Christmas requests, what I really want most are more players along the caliber of all the great people I've encountered so far, to come crashing through the door and into the game. :-)
Reading the blogs of the remaining WAR diehards like yourself and Syncaine has brought home to me how much more dependent on server population a pvp game is than a pve game. In a PVE game you can keep going as long as you have a group of friends in a guild who want to tackle the content together. In a PVP game you need opponents as well as friends. Apologies if I am stating the obvious here but I can be a little slow to figure stuff like this out.
Posted by: mbp | November 23, 2008 at 05:15 PM
Having played WOW longer than any other MMO, the availability of players was never a consideration. I started on Illidan which went on to be a monster populated PVP server. Even as a solo player there were always people everywhere doing something or other. And before BGs there was lots of in world PVP. So I never had to consider population.
This game is showing me just how much it can matter. Not just because of the RVR but because Mythic built a game that really does need people.
Posted by: Saylah | November 23, 2008 at 06:00 PM
Yes'm, it really does. The game's at its best when you're with others. Most any game is. Even when solo-ing, I'm happier doing that when others are around. The world feels less empty that way.
I know Mythic doesn't want to merge servers, but they honestly opened too many, and now the rest of us who adore the game are suffering because of it.
Posted by: JoBildo | November 24, 2008 at 11:17 AM