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November 22, 2008



I need some reading material for the Christmas break (we are staying at a Lighthouse this year!), so I will see if I can get hold of the first book before then.


Staying at a Lighthouse sounds amazing. I love the sound of water.


Just finished Twilight not too long ago and I would have to rate it as one of the better books I've read in awhile. The main characters display more emotion then I'm used to seeing in fantasy books and they actually drive the story. Most fantasy books I read because of the plot. In this one I found myself caring about what happened to the characters. It was very different from the Harry Potter books where I didn't care much for the main character. Its funny too since Harry and Bella are equally "emo" but one actually elicits sympathy while the other I kind wished died in book seven.


LOL. You're horrible! I enjoyed Harry as the main character. I did find it annoying that each book forgets about the feats he's preformed in the previous books and at like is a magic neophyte. I suppose that's how she was keeping him as the underdog but I wasn't buying it. Yet I enjoyed the books anyway. :-)

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