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November 02, 2008


Pete S

Good luck with Nano! I did it two years in a row a few years back, but was living alone then. Now that my lady and I live together I find it really hard to get the quantity of alone time I need to write that much every day (not that she's intrusive, just that I'm easily distracted!). I did a complete Novela on year 1, and the start of a novel in year 2 that was much too ambitious.

It's a great feeling, hitting that 50K word mark!! Please at least post now and then to share your word count!


Congratulations on doing those. I'm looking forward to having a concentrated amount time to devote to writing. It's something I haven't done in a long time.


Good luck, Saylah! I'm hoping once I graduate next November and am FINALLY done with all this schooling that I can participate myself.

Looking forward to reading it!


Good luck with your writing, Saylah!

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