It should be obvious from the length and frequency of posts, that I’m really enjoying Warhammer Online. The game suits my play-style well and its mechanics abate many of the reasons why I usually solo. As a result, I only solo now when I really want to be alone, which is down from 90% to maybe 30%. Combine those factors with having fallen in with a great group of people in the Casualties of WAR guild, and you have a recipe for success. I’ve tried all aspects of the content and things are going well. However, tonight I experienced what WAR is really all about – open field skirmishes and conquering RVR objectives. Sure, I’d done this is small groups but it doesn’t come to the zerg force we had rolling tonight.
I wish that I’d been able to participate with the graphics settings on high but that wasn’t an option. Regardless, these are fun images even at the lower quality, for people that haven’t played or participated yet, in large body-count events. It was truly an experience of epic proportions.
There’s very little commentary to offer. Things were happening SO FAST. As a newcomer to the T3 areas, I’d never been to any of the locations. Trying to keep up and take pictures at the same time was about all I could manage. Noting where we were just wasn’t an option. That plus I was getting a bit loopy since I’d taken sinus pills expecting to go to bed when this all started.
/em wishes he was in T3. I'll get there sooner or later. :)
You guys sounded like kids on Christmas day over Vent and in Guild Chat.
Posted by: JoBildo | October 08, 2008 at 08:31 AM
It felt like Christmas day!
Posted by: Saylah | October 08, 2008 at 09:19 AM
Can't wait to be in T3. I agree that WAR seems to suit my playing style better than WOW but we'll see if that wears off soon....
Posted by: sirpwnalot | October 10, 2008 at 12:29 PM