Alysianah, my level 45 Priest on Illidan, is getting pretty grumpy. While I was composing a different post for later on in the week to discuss my progress, it brought to mind the behaviors I see that tell me people don't understand their own role in a group, let alone mine. So let's clear up a few misconceptions about Priests...
10. Should heal people in BGs because we aren't tired of doing that in instances/raids and only do PVP for an opportunity to heal strangers some more.
9. Should use mana to heal random players that they encounter who are on the brink of death, because an expressed form of gratitude from said healed-player, will certainly be forthcoming.
8. Should buff passers-by because people are courteous and always say, "Thanks!"
7. Should waste mana replenishing the health of a Warlock who has just "tapped" it all for mana just before the pull.
6. Has enough mana to sustain a pull immediately after resurrecting and re-buffing multiple players.
5. Should forgo taking the time to get their loot because the group wants to race on to the next mob, even though the tank and Priest are the last to stop fighting (in the priest's case healing) the last mob and aren't even AT the next one yet.
4. Should cast anything greater than Renew on casters who AOE without cause or in imprudent situations.
3. Should waste mana and possibly pull aggro themselves, repeatedly healing Warlocks and Mages who don't understand the phrase, "Control your freaking aggro!"
2. Can heal four different players simultaneously because everyone has decided to pull their own target instead of attacking the tank's target, and the three idiots having these delusions of grandeur are all in cloth.
And #1 lie about priests is ...
1. We actually give a rat's ass when stupid people die.
ROFL!!! Beauty!
I just started a priest and at level 13, already all of these apply. Absolutely wonderful!
Posted by: Christine | July 03, 2006 at 01:09 PM
I give a rats ass when stupid people die... +honor :)
Posted by: Heartless_ | July 03, 2006 at 05:14 PM
Thanks Christine - being a priest is an eye opening experience.
Heartless - Always have an amen for the death of the opposing faction. :-)
Posted by: Lauren | July 03, 2006 at 07:44 PM
Nice List. Healers are more at the mercy of stupid people then any other class in the game. Probably why priests are so rare. Now that I think about it every classic fantasy MMOG I've played has had a shortage of priests.
Posted by: Relmstein | July 05, 2006 at 02:34 PM
Hi Relm. BTW, I guess I'd been neglecting my Blogger list. I just noticed today that you weren't posted. Thanks for stopping by and continuing to read my complaints and MMO dribble :-)
Posted by: Lauren | July 05, 2006 at 04:53 PM
Thanks Lauren I enjoy reading your blog a lot. Your posts are easy to read and relevent to a lot of the games I play.
P.S. It's Relmstein not Relmsteim on your blogger list. I wouldn't mind normally but I hear Relmsteim is a big jerk. :-)
Posted by: Relmstein | July 06, 2006 at 03:03 PM
Thanks and oops. Will fix it right away!
Posted by: Lauren | July 06, 2006 at 04:05 PM
This is so true. I use to play a rogue and never understood why all the priests I grouped with were so bossy and had such attitudes. Now with a lvl 60 priest, I totally get it. If people don't know what they are doing you have to tell them, or else everyone dies. And it is your fault. My favorite moment so far: Being in XR and with a lvl 60 warrior yelling at me to heal him, even though I wasn't in his raid and I was in shadowform. It was my JOB to heal him. I was off that day...hard luck for him.
Posted by: Fluffie | July 07, 2006 at 08:23 AM
Muhahaha. That's a good one fluffie! I can totally see some arrogant player expecting you to just heal him. Don't get me wrong, I like playing the priest and being in that supportive role. But yes, if people dont know what they're doing there will be a wipe, it will be the priest's fault. :-0
Posted by: Lauren | July 07, 2006 at 04:23 PM
No one ever blames me for wipes... I get in first by going WTF WAS THAT SHIT like that guy on the ony wipe vent thingy. Then they are all like oh sorry, and im like well just dont let it happen again. If they do blame me... then I rebuff etc, let them pull a mob and watch them die as I hearth out o_0
Posted by: Star | July 18, 2006 at 11:29 AM
OMG - I shouldn't laugh but that is funny as hell, Star! You are SO bad. I've had some bad PUGs but I've yet to be the first person to bail on a group.
One time I almost did bail on people in RFD. This group inspired like the top 5 reasons. Everyone was pulling their own target and racing to the next mob before I could even loot or regen mana, then screamed at me if they died! They said I sucked and the warrior left before I got a chance to say, "Screw u guys, I'm going home."
Posted by: Saylah | July 18, 2006 at 02:11 PM
best...lvl 60ud priest...i can relate
Posted by: | December 08, 2006 at 10:05 PM